There is an intrinsic link between your oral and physical health. Both of which can affect the quality of your life. When oral problems such as gum disease arise, it is important to know if and how it can affect your physical health.

Diabetes affects millions of people and millions of mouths. The following article helps us understand the connection between the two as well as what it can lead to if left untreated. We hope you find it helpful.

Diabetes and Gum Disease: Understanding the Link to Protect Your Health

Do you know that there is a link between diabetes and gum disease? Diabetics have a higher risk of developing gum disease than people who have healthy blood sugar levels. The relationship appears to go both ways; research indicates that having a serious gum infection can make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels. Taking care of your mouth, whether you have diabetes or not, is more important than you may be aware of.

What Causes the Increased Gum Disease Risk?

What do high blood glucose levels have to do with your oral health? For a person with diabetes it is more difficult to defend the body from a bacterial infection; high glucose levels make it easier for bacteria to flourish in the mouth. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums caused by a bacterial infection. The germs in plaque infect the teeth and gums, leading to gingivitis, the first stage of this disease. If left untreated, this oral health condition can result in tissue damage and eventual tooth loss. The more serious stages of gum disease are known as periodontitis and advanced periodontitis.

How Does Periodontitis Affect Diabetes?

The relationship between diabetes and gum disease becomes even more powerful when you look at the potential effect of an infection on blood glucose levels. Read the full article here

Sedki Dentistry, Commerce MI is a complete family dental clinic that offers services for all dental health concerns. Our goal is to work with our patients in achieving and maintaining long term dental health and a beautiful smile. Dr. Sedki and his experienced dental staff are professional and committed to providing uncompromised care to their patients.

Regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings are highly recommended and routine for good dental and physical health. Call Sedki Dentistry in Commerce Twp today and schedule a checkup!