This is something you may not have thought of when it comes to oral health. You brush your teeth, you floss, you see your dentist regularly, but did you know that sunlight can be beneficial to your oral health as well? It may sound strange, but there is some scientific backing for why sunlight and its associated nutrients can be hugely beneficial to you and your oral health. This means getting plenty of sunlight when you can and taking supplements when you can’t.

The secret to sunlight’s benefit on your oral health in teeth is in its abundance of vitamin D.

We know that sunlight provides us naturally with this vital vitamin and that it can help hair, skin, and other parts of the body. But your teeth can benefit from vitamin D doses as much as any other part of your body. Vitamin D is a great supplement to the work you already do to keep your mouth happy and healthy.

Below is some information on the benefits of vitamin D and how it can benefit your overall oral health.

What Vitamin D Can Do for You

Vitamin D intake has been linked to a slowed rate of tooth decay, it helps prevent gum diseases like gingivitis and one study showed that children can get fewer cavities when vitamin D supplements their dental habits. One of the reasons behind this is that calcium and phosphate in. the body, both important to your teeth, get a boost from vitamin D. It helps bones, teeth, and muscles throughout your body.

Problems Getting Vitamin D

Research shows that as many as 80% of Americans do not get the appropriate amount of vitamin D required each day. We just don’t spend enough time out in the sunlight each day to absorb vitamin D from its rays and the consequence of skin damage for those who do can turn people off from sunbathing to get their necessary dose of vitamin D. This means much of our vitamin D has to come in the form of supplements.

Ways to Boost Your Vitamin D

If you don’t want to risk spending hours in the sun, there are other ways to get vitamin D and boost your overall oral and bone health. Spending 10 minutes in the sun each day, without sunblock, is one way to start without risking damage. Supplement this with foods high in vitamin D like fish and milk. You can add to this a vitamin D supplement for even more support.

Related Questions

What percentage of vitamin D intake comes from the sun?

Depending on your activities outside, you may or may not get enough direct vitamin D from sunlight. It’s believed over 80% of the vitamin D we absorb comes from sunlight. The problem is we don’t spend enough time in the sun.

How can I get vitamin D from food?

While no fruit has vitamin D occurring naturally, there are fortified fruit juices available. Some vegetables contain vitamin D and dairy products are high in it as well as fish. For vegetarian or vegan options soy products are high in vitamin D and many are fortified.

Talk to your dentist about the best ways to utilize vitamin D for your oral health!

A healthy mouth for life is our goal for every patient at Sedki Dentistry and fun in the sun for Vitamin D intake will help your teeth and overall health! All your oral health issues can be addressed at our Commerce Dental Office. We are full-service, offering dental treatments such as dental implants for tooth restoration, cosmetic dentistry such as dental veneers and braces, children’s dentistry, gum rejuvenation for gum recession and much more! Your questions and concerns are important to us, call today for a Free Dental Consultation!